我们介绍了声学场景和事件的检测和分类的任务描述(DCASE)2022挑战任务2:“用于应用域通用技术的机器状况监控的无监督异常的声音检测(ASD)”。域转移是ASD系统应用的关键问题。由于域移位可以改变数据的声学特征,因此在源域中训练的模型对目标域的性能较差。在DCASE 2021挑战任务2中,我们组织了一个ASD任务来处理域移动。在此任务中,假定已知域移位的发生。但是,实际上,可能不会给出每个样本的域,并且域移位可能会隐含。在2022年的任务2中,我们专注于域泛化技术,这些技术检测异常,而不论域移动如何。具体而言,每个样品的域未在测试数据中给出,所有域仅允许一个阈值。我们将添加挑战结果和挑战提交截止日期后提交的分析。
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本文旨在开发一种基于声学信号的无监督异常检测方法来自动机器监测。现有的方法,例如Deep AutoCoder(DAE),变异自动编码器(VAE),条件变异自动编码器(CVAE)等在潜在空间中的表示功能有限,因此,异常检测性能差。必须为每种不同类型的机器培训不同的模型,以准确执行异常检测任务。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一种新方法,称为层次条件变化自动编码器(HCVAE)。该方法利用有关工业设施的可用分类学等级知识来完善潜在空间表示。这些知识也有助于模型改善异常检测性能。我们通过使用适当的条件证明了单个HCVAE模型对不同类型机器的概括能力。此外,为了显示拟议方法的实用性,(i)我们在不同领域评估了HCVAE模型,(ii)我们检查了部分分层知识的影响。我们的结果表明,HCVAE方法验证了这两个点,并且在AUC得分度量上最大的15%在异常检测任务上的基线系统的表现优于基线系统。
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The task of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is vital to realize safe and reliable operation for real-world applications. After the failure of likelihood-based detection in high dimensions had been shown, approaches based on the \emph{typical set} have been attracting attention; however, they still have not achieved satisfactory performance. Beginning by presenting the failure case of the typicality-based approach, we propose a new reconstruction error-based approach that employs normalizing flow (NF). We further introduce a typicality-based penalty, and by incorporating it into the reconstruction error in NF, we propose a new OOD detection method, penalized reconstruction error (PRE). Because the PRE detects test inputs that lie off the in-distribution manifold, it effectively detects adversarial examples as well as OOD examples. We show the effectiveness of our method through the evaluation using natural image datasets, CIFAR-10, TinyImageNet, and ILSVRC2012.
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In recent years, the performance of novel view synthesis using perspective images has dramatically improved with the advent of neural radiance fields (NeRF). This study proposes two novel techniques that effectively build NeRF for 360{\textdegree} omnidirectional images. Due to the characteristics of a 360{\textdegree} image of ERP format that has spatial distortion in their high latitude regions and a 360{\textdegree} wide viewing angle, NeRF's general ray sampling strategy is ineffective. Hence, the view synthesis accuracy of NeRF is limited and learning is not efficient. We propose two non-uniform ray sampling schemes for NeRF to suit 360{\textdegree} images - distortion-aware ray sampling and content-aware ray sampling. We created an evaluation dataset Synth360 using Replica and SceneCity models of indoor and outdoor scenes, respectively. In experiments, we show that our proposal successfully builds 360{\textdegree} image NeRF in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. The proposal is widely applicable to advanced variants of NeRF. DietNeRF, AugNeRF, and NeRF++ combined with the proposed techniques further improve the performance. Moreover, we show that our proposed method enhances the quality of real-world scenes in 360{\textdegree} images. Synth360: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1suL9B7DO2no21ggiIHkH3JF3OecasQLb.
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Telework "avatar work," in which people with disabilities can engage in physical work such as customer service, is being implemented in society. In order to enable avatar work in a variety of occupations, we propose a mobile sales system using a mobile frozen drink machine and an avatar robot "OriHime", focusing on mobile customer service like peddling. The effect of the peddling by the system on the customers are examined based on the results of video annotation.
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Our team, Hibikino-Musashi@Home (the shortened name is HMA), was founded in 2010. It is based in the Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, Japan. We have participated in the RoboCup@Home Japan open competition open platform league every year since 2010. Moreover, we participated in the RoboCup 2017 Nagoya as open platform league and domestic standard platform league teams. Currently, the Hibikino-Musashi@Home team has 20 members from seven different laboratories based in the Kyushu Institute of Technology. In this paper, we introduce the activities of our team and the technologies.
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临床文本的自动汇总可以减轻医疗专业人员的负担。 “放电摘要”是摘要的一种有希望的应用,因为它们可以从每日住院记录中产生。我们的初步实验表明,放电摘要中有20-31%的描述与住院记录的内容重叠。但是,目前尚不清楚如何从非结构化来源生成摘要。为了分解医师的摘要过程,本研究旨在确定摘要中的最佳粒度。我们首先定义了具有不同粒度的三种摘要单元,以比较放电摘要生成的性能:整个句子,临床段和条款。我们在这项研究中定义了临床细分,旨在表达最小的医学意义概念。为了获得临床细分,有必要在管道的第一阶段自动拆分文本。因此,我们比较了基于规则的方法和一种机器学习方法,而后者在分裂任务中以0.846的F1得分优于构造者。接下来,我们在日本的多机构国家健康记录上,使用三种类型的单元(基于Rouge-1指标)测量了提取性摘要的准确性。使用整个句子,临床段和条款分别为31.91、36.15和25.18的提取性摘要的测量精度分别为31.91、36.15和25.18。我们发现,临床细分的准确性比句子和条款更高。该结果表明,住院记录的汇总需要比面向句子的处理更精细的粒度。尽管我们仅使用日本健康记录,但可以解释如下:医生从患者记录中提取“具有医学意义的概念”并重新组合它们...
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我们提出了一种使用预训练的语言模型的新的无监督方法,用于词汇替换。与以前使用语言模型的生成能力预测替代品的方法相比,我们的方法基于上下文化和脱皮的单词嵌入的相似性检索替代品,即单词在多个上下文中的平均上下文表示。我们以英语和意大利语进行实验,并表明我们的方法基本上要优于强大的基准,并在没有任何明确的监督或微调的情况下建立了新的最新技术。我们进一步表明,我们的方法在预测低频替代品方面的表现特别出色,还产生了多种替代候选者列表,从而减少了根据文章 - 名称协议引起的形态寄电或形态句法偏见。
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